Jaydra is ready to graduate to big girl panties! We've been doing a gradual switch from diapers to pullups to panties instead of the crash course jump straight to panties that some parents do. I thought about doing the crash course 3 day potty training plan, but this is working for us. She's telling me when she needs to go, and is able to use the big toilet with her seat on it all by herself. It's such a relief to be able to just take her to the bathroom and let her do her thing! When she's done she's so excited to ask me to look at her pee or poo, and I try not to laugh to much. It is so hard not to crack up when she says, "Do you want to see my pee pee mommy?" She really resisted pulling up her own pants and pullups, and I had to refuse to help her until she at least tried to do it herself. She used the potty at the Y kidzone (something she'd been resisting so yay) and the lady working there said she walked out of the bathroom with her pants down. She's still got some learning to do but she's getting there.
Alicia is a little over a year younger than Jaydra and is going through a phase where she's really resisting using the potty to the point that she won't even tell me that she's wet herself. I'm continuing to encourage her, and I'm not freaking out about this like I did when Jaydra went through the same thing. I also have a trick up my sleeve: I'm getting Elmo's Potty Time from Netflix. The nice thing about going through things like this with her is that I don't stress about it as much because I know we'll get through it and have more experience so I know what to do. Truth be told, not everything works the same way it did with Jaydra because their personalities are so different but at least I have a clue about what to try this time.
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